Thursday, November 17, 2011


I. Introduction
 A. There are a lot places in the world that are very hard to live due to the living contitions that are available there.
 B. Slums are a place that is overpopulated and has poor housing condittions.
 C.Slums affect human populations around the world by populating an urban area more than a rural one,polluting the earth due to poor sanitation and by making corrupt politicians and slum lords rich.
 D.Usually a rural area is more populated than an urban one.

II.Defendable Point #1
 A. In the past few years a rural area has been more populated than an urban area but studies have shown that that will change for the next few years.
B. "This year, for the first time in human history, there will be more people living in towns and cities than in the countryside."
C. Explination
D. Slums are overpopualated making sanitation a big threat.

III. Defendable Point #2
 A. Since slums are really populated there is a big problem of sanitation.
 B. There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.
 C. Explination
 D. In most places the people living in slums have to pay rent.

 IV. Defendable Point #3
 A.Since a lot of slums are overpopulated corrupt politicians or slum lords ilegally ask for rent and get rich very easily.
 B. "And slum dwellers here pay rent, often to slum lords or corrupt politicians who enjoy a good profit from a minimal investment."
 D.Slums are places that affect the world a lot.

V. Conclusion
 A. The world is affected greatly due to slums.
 B.Populating an area more than a rural one, polluting the earth due to poor sanitation and by making corrup politicians and slums lords rich are some reasons why slums affect human populations around the world.
 C. Summarize Arguments
D.  Slums are areas that are cheap, but have great amount of problems that affect the world.

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